These interesting photographs were taken by Steven Martin on the beaches of Florida, mostly on the southeast coast, in the 1980s.

Pictures of Teenagers of the 1980s

Pictures of Teenagers of the 1980s

Pictures of Teenagers of the 1980s

Pictures of Teenagers of the 1980s

Pictures of Teenagers of the 1980s

Pictures of Teenagers of the 1980s

Pictures of Teenagers of the 1980s

Pictures of Teenagers of the 1980s

Pictures of Teenagers of the 1980s

Pictures of Teenagers of the 1980s

Pictures of Teenagers of the 1980s

Pictures of Teenagers of the 1980s

Pictures of Teenagers of the 1980s

Pictures of Teenagers of the 1980s

Pictures of Teenagers of the 1980s

Pictures of Teenagers of the 1980s

Pictures of Teenagers of the 1980s

Pictures of Teenagers of the 1980s

Pictures of Teenagers of the 1980s

Pictures of Teenagers of the 1980s

Pictures of Teenagers of the 1980s

Pictures of Teenagers of the 1980s

Pictures of Teenagers of the 1980s

Pictures of Teenagers of the 1980s

Pictures of Teenagers of the 1980s

Pictures of Teenagers of the 1980s

Pictures of Teenagers of the 1980s